

Jun 02, 2023

AI learns to write sorting software on its own

Armando Solar-Lezama is in the Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA.

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For decades, the computing industry relied on Moore's law: as transistors became ever smaller, the number that could be crammed onto a computer chip seemed to double every two years, enabling a similar leap in computing power. But Moore's law has a natural limit, so software optimization has become just as crucial as miniaturization. Writing in Nature, Mankowitz et al.1 reveal a key role for deep learning in this process, by showing that code generated by artificial intelligence (AI) can improve the efficiency with which the C++ programming language sorts items in a list. Although seemingly mundane, this task is needed in computer programs the world over, and the AI version is now baked into a widely used implementation of the C++ library. Perhaps even more remarkably, the AI system can improve the code without any previous knowledge of the problem itself.

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Nature 618, 240-241 (2023)


Mankowitz, D. J. et al. Nature 618, 257–263 (2023).

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A.S.-L. consults very sporadically with Google X (about 10 hours in the past year). Its parent company, Alphabet, is the same as that of DeepMind.

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