

May 13, 2023

Final sale of last Dayton

DAYTON — Mikesell's resumed their sale of the last boxes of Dayton-made potato chips today.

The company moved the final day of their sale from Friday to today due to rain, which brought flooding to parts of the Miami Valley.

The sale started at 10 a.m. and went on until 2 p.m. on Stanley Ave.

>> PHOTOS: Cars line up Monday to get last bags of Dayton-made Mikesell's chips

The first day of the sale was last Thursday and it resulted in hundreds of people lined up in their cars to get the last boxes of those Dayton-made chips. The line got so long, that Dayton police had to be on hand to assist with traffic.

News Center 7 was at the sale Thursday where some people were shocked at the number of people in line.

"I wasn't expecting this. I really thought the early bird gets the worm," said Paul Walter, from Sidney.

As News Center 7 previously reported, the Mikesell's brand was bought by Conn's Potato Chip Company last month. Production of the Mikesell's chips have already started at Conn's Zanesville plant.

>> Production of Mikesell's already underway at Conn's Zanesville plant

The regional manager of Conn's, who worked for Mikesell's for close to four decades, assured News Center 7 the Mikesell's chips by Conn's taste the same.

"When the consumer buys this product, they’re gonna be very excited to taste the real Mikesell's," said Mark Plummer, Regional Manager of Conn's Potato Chips.

Mikesell's Sale (Chuck Hamlin/Staff)

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