

Jun 22, 2023

Healthier snacks in hospitals encourage reduction in sugar intake

Changing nutritional profile of vending machine products could help tackle obesity, study finds

Hospital vending machines that offer healthy snacks lead to NHS staff and patients consuming more water and dried fruit and fewer crisps and sugary drinks, according to research.

The study found that reducing the number of sugar-filled snacks and introducing healthier options in hospital vending machines encouraged people to reduce their intake of both sugar and calories.

The results of the trial, undertaken at one of the biggest NHS trusts in England, have already led to 632 vending machines at 105 other hospitals being overhauled to provide healthier products.

In the trial, Leeds Teaching hospitals NHS trust, in association with the Department of Health and Social Care, removed unhealthier snacks from 11 cold drinks machines and six machines selling mixed snacks. It then added healthier products and positioned them so they were easily visible.

The trust found that as a result:

Sales of bottled water rose by 54%, while 38% fewer sugary drinks were bought.

Sales of crisps fell.

While overall sales of drinks and snacks went up, the products sold contained 25% less sugar and 26% less calories.

Public Health England (PHE), which has evaluated the results of the trial, said changing the nutritional profile of products offered in hospital vending machines could help tackle obesity among NHS staff, visitors and patients.

"Vending machines are commonly found in hospitals. They have a captive audience of staff, patients and visitors who may be overexposed to foods and drinks high in fat, salt and sugar," said Dr Tim Chadborn, PHE's head of behavioural insights.

"This study shows healthier choices can be good for profits and good for our waistlines. With obesity costing the NHS billions each year we would like to see more trusts leading by example and promoting healthier options."

Hospitals have come under increasing pressure in recent years to cut back on the amount of sugary and calorific foods they offer in their shops, food outlets and vending machines. This has included pressure from Simon Stevens, the chief executive of NHS England. A study last year found that 25% of nurses, 14.4% of other health professionals and 32% of unregistered care workers in the NHS were obese.

"We regularly hear from NHS staff working night shifts that hospital vending machines are often the only meal option available to them. It's therefore of paramount importance for the health and wellbeing of those NHS staff on night shifts that the vending machines offer healthier choice and reduced sugar options," said Katherine Button, coordinator of the Campaign for Better Hospital Food.

"We call for these findings to prompt a nationwide change in the way hospital vending machines are stocked from now on, as well as canteens and shops across the whole NHS estate. Calorie-dense and nutrient-poor junk foods have no place in our hospitals."

Saffron Cordery, the deputy chief executive of NHS Providers, which represents NHS trusts, said: "This is good news and shows how important public health and prevention support is. NHS trusts are rightly looking at ways of providing an environment that supports healthy choices for patients and staff. This trial shows how relatively small changes can make a significant impact, and will be of interest to other organisations across the health service."

Prof Parveen Kumar, the chair of the board of science at the British Medical Association, which represents most of Britain's doctors, said the Leeds trial provided "further incentive for trusts to reduce the availability of sugary drinks in hospitals, making them a healthier place for patients, staff and visitors. We know that diet-related ill-health is a leading cause of premature deaths in the UK and has a bigger impact on the NHS budget than smoking, physical inactivity and alcohol consumption."

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