

Sep 25, 2023

Norfolk County Feed & Seed Store celebrates 70 years, blending best of old, new

When an ambitious young businessman hatched plans to demolish the original Norfolk County Feed & Seed Store in Portsmouth, its longtime customers raised a ruckus.

"Oh, my goodness," said Tommy Heath, recalling the incident 30-some years ago. He had returned from the Air Force as a staff sergeant and was taking over the store at 1110 Airline Blvd. from his parents, John and Ellen. The popular store was bursting at the seams, and new buildings had been added. But his idea of tearing down the old building was met with noisy objections.

So, instead, Heath began a program of cleaning, patching and painting. Today, the original section of the store, built in 1947, is part sales room, part museum.

On display are antique devices, including his father's box camera, his mother's sewing machine, a bulky cash register and a hand-crank corn sheller. Inside a glass case is a business ledger open to the store's first day in business, July 1, 1947, showing the first sale in his mother's handwriting – 25 pounds of dog food for $2.15.

Seventy years later, the general store has grown from 450 to 14,000 square feet and still sells bulk animal feed, along with plants, lawn and garden tools and supplies, bird feeders and houses, pet supplies, cast-iron cookware, canning supplies and other items. Members of the third and fourth generations of the Heath family now work at the store with Tommy.

On June 23 and 24, the store's 70th anniversary will be celebrated with special sales, photo opportunities and other activities.

While some things about Norfolk County Feed & Seed Store have not changed – like the name, even though Norfolk County was long ago swallowed up by cities – other aspects have evolved. That's because Heath learned that early lesson about listening to his customers.

Today, customers want more than just pretty or edible plants, he pointed out. "People want to create an environment conducive to butterflies and birds."

His daughter, Tricia Heath, manages plant sales, showcasing plants that attract butterflies and bees.

Heath also followed a customer's suggestion to develop a presence on social media, and now the store's Facebook page has a large following that brings in younger customers.

But, it's the old-fashioned merchant-customer relationship that keeps customers coming back. As they walk into the store, many greet Tommy, Joan (Tommy's wife), Tricia, Mary, Jep and others by name.

Laurel Wilson of Portsmouth was loading up on begonias one morning recently.

"My parents started coming here in the ’60s," she said, and she's been coming ever since. She likes the quality of the plants and the staff's ability to answer her questions.

"This was always the place to go," Wilson said, noting that it's a challenge to find a parking spot in May. "It's off the beaten path, but a lot of people know the secret."

Heath refers to his customers as friends. "They shop here, and I appreciate that. They could shop anywhere."

When a Walmart opened across the street, Heath's customers expressed their concern that the big store would harm his business. He told them, "If I’m meant to stay, I’ll stay. If not, I won't."

But, the impact has been all positive, he said, because the Walmart and other new stores have helped to stabilize the neighborhood.

Heath, who regularly answers the phone and carries purchases to customers’ cars, acknowledges, though, that few such independent stores remain. "We’re a dying breed, I guess."

Or maybe not. He enjoys introducing preschool classes to the world of gardening. Known as "Mr. Cucumber" to some youngsters, he cherishes the thank-you cards they send him after visiting the store and learning about plants.

"This (business) is more than what we do," he said. "This is who we are."

If you go

Norfolk County Feed & Seed Store

1110 Airline Blvd., Portsmouth

Facebook @norfolk.county.fs


Nancy Vessell, [email protected]

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